Historical Newspapers
A significant part of the collection of newspapers and magazines relative to Salamanca, both local and provincial, that were published between the eighteenth and the mid-twentieth century are available in full text in the Virtual Library of Historical Press of the Spanish Ministry of Culture.
This national project is the result of cooperation between the Directorate General of Books, Archives and Libraries with the Autonomous Regions and scientific and cultural institutions including universities, municipalities, foundations athenaeums and even newspapers publishers with origins dating back to 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. Cooperation with the University of Salamanca began in 2007 and it continues through successive public tenders from the Ministry of Culture for the concession of grants for the creation and transformation of digital resources and their dissemination and preservation through repositories.

The project has two objectives: on the one hand, the preservation of some bibliographic materials that, due to their own nature, are at increasing risk; on the other hand, the widest dissemination of information resources greatly requested by researchers and the general public.
The collection related to Salamanca may be accessed through the Virtual Library of Historical Newspapers and through the on-line catalogue of the University of Salamanca. Since 2010 they are also accessible through Europeana, the great European digital library.