Old Prints
The collection of old prints (sixteenth to eighteenth centuries) is abundant: about 60,000 volumes. The contents correspond to university education, especially theological and legal works, though there is also a good number about historical philological and scientific disciplines.
Access to the collection
The lobby of the Library houses the traditional card catalogue that contains, ordered by authors (or titles, for anonymous works), all existing collections until 1995. Ever since then, all new acquisitions have been systematically catalogued by computer and, consequently, made available online. Until the automated re-cataloging of the Library is finished, this catalogue will still be useful.
The holdings of the Library contained in the computerized catalogue bear the initials /BG preceding the shelf notation. Currently available:
- All collections gathered since 1995.
- A large part of the works of the twentieth century prior to 1995.
- Publications from or related to Salamanca since the nineteenth century.
- Part of the old prints collection (centuries 16th to 18th).
The retrospective cataloguing of the ancient old prints collection began in 2001 in the framework of the Marcelino Botin Foundation Project, under the patronage of his social work, and is still ongoing.
The old prints kept today in the library come from the University and other institutions such as the Society of Jesus, Colegios Mayores and various convents and monasteries. Alongside these institutional sources, the Library has received throughout its history donations of many individuals who set their stamp on the books that belonged to them. These individuals are outlined in the catalogue cards in the same way institutions are, and their names can be retrieved from the catalogue. However, their importance to reconstruct the history of the Library has advised the development of a specific database with their biographical information, the books that belonged to them and even pictures of their bookplates, notations and signatures. This database project is called The Exlibris Project.

Catalogues and reviews about the old prints collection
- Becedas González, Margarita. "Aproximación a la imprenta salmantina del siglo XVII: la producción de los catedráticos de leyes de la Universidad de Salamanca". Salamanca: revista de estudios, 47 (2001). 457-78. Print.
- ___. "Los libros de Ius Hispanum o derecho patrio en Salamanca entre los siglos XVIII y XIX: del plan de 1771 a la ley Moyano de 1857". El Derecho y los juristas en Salamanca (siglos XVI a XX): en memoria de Francisco Tomás y Valiente. Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2004. 311-36. Print.
- ___. "Obras de Nebrija en la Biblioteca Universitaria de Salamanca (siglos XV-XIX)". Eds. Carmen Codoñer and Juan Antonio González Iglesias. Antonio de Nebrija: Edad Media y Renacimiento. Salamanca: Universidad, 1994. 575-95. Print.
- Cátedra, Pedro M. "Movimientos espirituales y clientelismo político: a propósito de pliegos y carteles poéticos del siglo XVII en la Biblioteca Universitaria de Salamanca". Revista portuguesa de história do livro, 1 (1997). 89-140. Print.
- García-Jalón de la Lama, Santiago. Inventario de las gramáticas hebreas del siglo XVI de la Biblioteca General de la Universidad de Salamanca. Salamanca: Universidad Pontificia, 1996. Print.
- González Martín, Vicente. "Traducciones italianas del siglo XVI en la Biblioteca Universitaria de Salamanca". Ed. Julio César Santoyo. Fidus interpres: actas de las Primeras Jornadas Nacionales de Historia de la Traducción. León: Universidad, 1989. I. 66-74. Print.
- Hinojo, Gregorio, "Los 'Adagia' en la Biblioteca Universitaria de Salamanca". Eds. Carmen Codoñer, M Pilar Fernández Álvarez and J. Antonio Fernández Delgado. Stephanion: homenaje a María C. Giner. Salamanca: Universidad, 1988. 217-23. Print.
- Ortiz de la Peña, José. Bibliotheca Salmantina seu Index librorum omnium qui in publica Salmanticensis Academiae Bibliotheca adservantur. Salamanca. 1777. Print.
- Pordomingo Pardo, Francisca. "El Plutarco de la Biblioteca Universitaria de Salamanca: manuscritos e impresos de los siglos XV y XVI". Eds. José Antonio Fernández Delgado and Francisca Pordomingo Pardo. Estudios sobre Plutarco: aspectos formales: actas del IV Congreso español sobre Plutarco. Madrid: Ediciones Clásicas, 1996. 461-74. Print.
- Rodríguez Sánchez de León, María José. "La guerra de Sucesión española en los pliegos poéticos de la Biblioteca Universitaria de Salamanca". Cuadernos dieciochistas, 1 (2000). 185-208. Print.
- Santander, Teresa. "Aproximación a la biblioteca de don Diego de Covarrubias". Coord. José Antonio Bonilla Hernández. Salamanca y su proyección en el mundo: estudios históricos en honor de D. Florencio Marcos. Salamanca. 1992. 183-211. Print.
- Sanz Hermida, José María. "La circulación de las corrientes geográficas centroeuropeas en la Universidad de Salamanca: atlas y obras geográficas en la Biblioteca Universitaria: ensayo de catálogo". Salamanca: revista de estudios, 37 (1996). 241-81. Print.
- Signes Codoñér, Juan, Carmen Codoñer Merino and Arantxa Domingo Malvadi. Biblioteca y epistolario de Hernán Núñez de Guzmán (El Pinciano): una aproximación al humanismo español del siglo XVI. Madrid: CSIC, 2001. Print.