The manuscript collection has been built up throughout the centuries and consists of some three thousand volumes of diverse origin. In 1471 there were 201 volumes listed as belonging to the University. Prior to that date the endowment by Juan de Segovia (1457) took place, followed by another by Alfonso Ortiz at the end of that century and later on, in the mid-sixteenth century, yet another by Hernán Núñez de Guzmán, “el Pinciano”. However, despite such promising beginnings, in the mid-eighteenth century only some 100 manuscripts were catalogued.
The addition of the holdings coming from the Library of the Colegio Real of the Society of Jesus meant a remarkable growth of this section. Although most of the manuscripts are related to teaching in schools, particularly in theology and philosophy, we can also find lay gems like a manuscript with a translation of Seneca’s works by Alfonso de Cartagena (Ms. 201).
On the other hand, the expropriation of monastic estates in Spain in the nineteenth century did not have the same consequences on this library: there are but a few manuscripts with signs indicating that they came from any of the many convents and monasteries that existed in Salamanca.
At present, the manuscripts that belonged to the four Colegios Mayores, which had formed a very large library, are also a part of this collection. From the suppression of those schools in the late eighteenth century until 1954, these manuscripts were in the library of the Royal Palace of Madrid.
The oldest manuscript in this collection is the Liber canticorum et horarum, commissioned in 1059 by Queen Sancha (consort of Ferdinand I, King of Leon).

Some outstanding examples of literary manuscripts are the Libro de buen amor (The Book of Good Love) (Ms. 2663), the Cancionero (Songbook) by the Marquis of Santillana (Ms. 2665) and Las virtuosas y claras mujeres (The Clear and Virtuous Women) by Álvaro de Luna (ms. 207).
There are many technical manuscripts in this Library: Bible commentaries and theological works; canon and civil law; works of science and philosophy, etc., some of which are beautifully crafted.
Some autograph manuscripts also stand out, like the Exposición del Libro de Job (Comments on The Book of Job), by Fray Luis de León (Ms. 219); several of the works by Alfonso de Madrigal, and the notes and drafts of Francisco Sanchez de las Brozas (Ms. 2007-2009).
The updated description of the manuscripts can be found in Catálogo de manuscritos de la Biblioteca Universitaria de Salamanca, Salamanca 1997-2002 (available at Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca: I and II). As for the Greek manuscripts, there is an ongoing scheme called the Nomos project, carried out by the Group of Classical Philology at the University Carlos III of Madrid. In the meantime, Graux 1892 and Tovar 1963 should be consulted.
Catalogues and reviews about the manuscripts pool
We have selected a series of general articles. Particular studies on manuscripts with off-prints available can be found in the automated catalogue.
- Andrés, Gregorio de. "La colección de códices griegos de Diego de Covarrubias, obispo de Segovia". Boletín de la Real Academia de la Historia. 163 (1968). 229-42. Print.
- Beaujouan, Guy. Manuscrits scientifiques médiévaux de l'Université de Salamanque et de ses "Colegios mayores". Bordeaux: Féret & Fils, 1962. Print.
- Beltrán de Heredia, Vicente. "Los manuscritos de Santo Tomás en la Biblioteca Real de Madrid". La ciencia tomista, 34 (1926). 196-216. Print.
- Bibliography of Old Spanish Texts compiled by Charles B. Faulhaber et al. Madison: Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies, 1984. Now available at
- Domínguez Bordona, Jesús. Manuscritos con pinturas: notas para un inventario de los conservados en colecciones públicas y privadas. Madrid: Centro de Estudios Históricos, 1933. Print.
- ___. Manuscritos de América. Madrid. 1935. Print.
- Fernández Pousa, Ramón. "Catálogo de los códices clásicos latinos de la Biblioteca Universitaria de Salamanca". Revista de la Universidad de Madrid, 2 (1942). 169-89. Print.
- Fuente, Vicente de la y Juan Urbina. Catálogo de los libros manuscritos que se conservan en la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Salamanca. Salamanca: Martín y Vázquez, 1855. Print.
- Galende Díaz, Juan Carlos. "La biblioteca del Colegio Mayor salmantino de San Bartolomé en el siglo XVIII". Revista general de información y documentación, 10 (2000). 33-69. Print.
- ___. "El Colegio mayor salmantino del Arzobispo y su biblioteca dieciochesca". Homenaje a Antonio Matilla Tascón.Zamora: Instituto de Estudios Zamoranos Florián de Ocampo, 2002. 221-37. Print.
- ___. "Manuscritos de la biblioteca del Colegio Mayor salmantino de Cuenca en el siglo XVIII". Cuadernos de investigación histórica, 19 (2002). 211-46. Print.
- ___. "La biblioteca de manuscritos griegos y latinos del obispo Diego de Covarrubias en el Colegio Mayor salmantino en el Colegio Mayor salmantino de San Salvador de Oviedo". In Silos, un milenio: actas del Congreso Internacional sobre la Abadía de Santo Domingo de Silos. [Vol.] III, Cultura. Burgos: Universidad de Burgos; Abadía de Silos, 2003. 283-94. Print.
- In these four articles, Galende Diaz publishes the listings of the manuscripts of Salamanca’s colleges found in the manuscript 4404 from the National Library of Madrid, corresponding to the inventory that was conducted by Bishop Antonio Tavira when the manuscripts were sent to the king’s particular library in Madrid.
- García y García, Antonio. "Manuscritos de derecho canónico medieval en Salamanca". Studia Gratiana, 27 (1996). 107-47. Print.
- ___. "Tradición manuscrita de juristas salmantinos del S. XVI y XVII". Coord. José Antonio Bonilla and José Barrientos. Estudios históricos salmantinos: homenaje al P. Benigno Hernández Montes. Salamanca: Universidad [etc.], 1999. 465-82. Print.
- Graux, Charles. Notices sommaires des manuscrits grecs d'Espagne et Portugal... sauf la Bibliothèque de l'Escorial et la Bibliothèque National. Paris: Ernes Leroux, 1892. Print.
- Hernández Montes, Benigno. Biblioteca de Juan de Segovia: edición y comentario de su escritura de donación. Madrid: Instituto Francisco Suárez, 1984. Print.
- Herrera, M. Teresa and José Oroz, "Presencia de san Agustín en Salamanca", Augustinus, 25 (1980), 373-93. Print.
- Janini, José. Manuscritos litúrgicos de las bibliotecas de España. Burgos: Aldecoa, 1977-1980. Print.
- Llamas, José. "Los manuscritos hebreos de la Universidad de Salamanca". Sefarad, 10 (1950). 263-79. Print.
- Marcos Rodríguez, Florencio. "Los manuscritos de Alfonso de Madrigal conservados en la Biblioteca Universitaria de Salamanca". Salmanticensis, 4 (1957). 3-50. Print.
- ___. "Los manuscritos pretridentinos hispanos de ciencias sagradas en la Biblioteca Universitaria de Salamanca". RHCEE, 2 (1971). 261-508. Print.
- Martínez Manzano, Teresa, "El Salm. 2659 de Dioscórides y la historia del fondo griego de la Biblioteca Universitaria de Salamanca procedente del Colegio de San Bartolomé". Helmantica, 49 (1998). 309-28. Print.
- ___. "Los manuscritos griegos desaparecidos de Salamanca". La Ciudad de Dios, 213 (2000). 313-32. Print.
- ___. "Los manuscritos griegos de Salamanca: del humanismo italiano al helenismo español". Eds. A. Bravo García and I. Pérez Martín. The legacy of Bernard de Montfaucon: three hundred years of studies on Greek handwriting. Turnhout: Brepols, 2010. 547-57. Print.
- Professor Martínez Manzano has been working for years in the Greek holdings of the University. Apart from these general articles introducing the collection, she has to her credit numerous special studies on some manuscripts, their authors, copyists, provenances and more.
- Olivar, A. M. "Los manuscritos patrísticos y litúrgicos de la Universidad de Salamanca". Analecta Sacra Tarraconensia, 22 (1949). 75-92. Print.
- Palacio Real (Madrid, España). Biblioteca, Crónicas generales de España, descritas por Ramón Menéndez Pidal. Madrid, 1918. (3rd ed.)
- Pordomingo Pardo, Francisca. "El Plutarco de la Biblioteca Universitaria de Salamanca: manuscritos e impresos de los siglos XV y XVI". Eds. José Antonio Fernández Delgado and Francisca Pordomingo Pardo. Estudios sobre Plutarco: aspectos formales: actas del IV Congreso español sobre Plutarco. Madrid: Ediciones Clásicas, 1996. 461-74. Print.
- Ramírez, M., "Manuscritos mariológicos postridentinos en la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Salamanca". Archivo Teológico Granadino, 13 (1950). 253-93. Print.
- ___. "Manuscritos postridentinos "De Incarnatione" en la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Salamanca.". Archivo Teológico Granadino, 10 (1947). 153-394. Print.
- Rubio Fernández, Lisardo. Catálogo de los manuscritos clásicos latinos en España. Madrid: Editorial de la Universidad Complutense, 1984. Print.
- Santander, Teresa. La biblioteca de don Diego de Covarrubias y Leyva, obispo de Ciudad Rodrigo y de Segovia, y presidente del Consejo de Estado (1512-1577). I, Manuscritos. Salamanca, 2000. Print.
- Signes Codoñér, Juan, "Los manuscritos griegos copiados por el Pinciano", Silva: estudios de humanismo y tradición clásica, 2 (2003). 271-320. Print.
- Signes Codoñér, Juan, Carmen Codoñer Merino y Arantxa Domingo Malvadi. Biblioteca y epistolario de Hernán Núñez de Guzmán (El Pinciano): una aproximación al humanismo español del siglo XVI. Madrid: CSIC, 2001. Print.
- Tovar, Antonio. Catalogus Codicum Graecorum Vniversitatis Salamantinae. I, Collectio Vniversitatis Antiqua. Salamanca: Universidad, 1963. Print.
- Tovar describes the University's own manuscripts. For the rest of the collection, it is necessary to use the book by Graux, Teresa Santander (which describes much of the rest of the collection of Greek manuscripts that belonged to Covarrubias) and the works by Teresa Martinez Manzano, rich in detail and that use modern codicological criteria.
- Universidad de Salamanca (España). Biblioteca General, Catálogo de manuscritos de la Biblioteca Universitaria de Salamanca. Eds. Óscar Lilao Franca and Carmen Castrillo González. Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 1997-2002. Print.
- The Greek manuscripts are not described here, only their call number and the reference to the catalogues by Tovar and Graux are given.